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Government Documents are located in the Mansbach Memorial Library (College Drive Campus). The Government Documents collection is a separate collection and is shelved at the front of the library behind the periodicals.
Just as you will need a Library of Congress (LC) call number to help you find books and journals in the stacks, you will need also need a call number to help you locate U.S. government publications. However, we do not organize our U.S. government publications by LC call numbers. Instead we use a classification system called the Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) system. SuDoc classification numbers are assigned to publications by the Government Printing Office and are based on the department/agency responsible for issuing the publications. Like an LC number, a SuDoc number is made of letters and numbers . LC and SuDoc numbers can appear to be very much like one another. However there are a few things that can help you differentiate between the two.
The period in a SuDoc number DOES NOT represent a decimal point. Therefore, the proper order for filing the SuDoc numbers below is:
HE 5.75: N93/2 then HE 5.123:C30 then HE 5.214: A7
On the other hand, LC call numbers DO treat the period as a decimal. The proper order for filing the LC call numbers with the same letters and numbers is:
5 5 5
.123 .214 .75
C30 A7 N93/2