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Ashland Aesthetics Project

The “Ashland Aesthetics Project” is a special LibGuide created by members of the ACTC Alpha Omega Gamma Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) honor society chapter as part of the Honors in Action program.  Honors in Action is a special initiative from PTK International that allows chapters to get real-world experience applying research and problem solving to create a better community.  One of the many benefits of being a member of PTK is the hands-on projects and experiences offered to our chapter members to make a difference.  This year’s Honors in Action theme was The Art and Science of Play, and our chapter specifically chose a sub-theme of “The Architecture of Play” as the basis for our project. 

Architecture is a driving force in creating and building a healthy community and city.  Interesting attractions in the form of buildings, murals, parks and sculptures not only foster community pride and interactions by bringing people together but also feed into economic viability for a community to thrive, giving incentive for outsiders and residents to visit and spend money.  The ACTC-PTK Alpha Omega Gamma honor society chapter decided to examine the aesthetic architecture of our hometown in Ashland, KY and how the playful structure in the design of city landmarks inspires individuals and the overall image and branding of the city. 

From our research project of the premier landmarks in our hometown we also sought to add to it by revamping the Pathfinder’s Path walking trail at our college campus with creative and artistic flair. Our group also wanted to create a LibGuide as a digital archive of the wonderful opportunities one can pursue to visit the city landmarks and to encourage an appreciation for our community’s unique architecture and designs.

Pictured is a collage of ACTC-PTK Chapter Officers and Members on a field trip to Huntington Museum of Art and Art Alley in Ashland in support of the Ashland Aesthetics Project.



















Pictured is a collage of ACTC-PTK Chapter Officers and Members on a field trip to Huntington Museum of Art and Art Alley in Ashland in support of the Ashland Aesthetics Project.